Post Date:
08 February 2024


From March to April 2024, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry at Sumy State University will host the "Laboratory Chemistry Practicum for Students."



Chemistry is an experimental science that cannot thrive without diverse experiments involving various substances. In remote learning, students are deprived of the opportunity to handle different substances, perform laboratory experiments, and work with laboratory equipment and instruments.

Our program aims to provide students with the necessary competencies for handling substances and performing laboratory experiments, which they cannot obtain in the current conditions of remote learning in secondary schools. Thus, our program will create the conditions for developing critical subject competencies. These competencies are crucial for forming important student orientations that determine their behaviour in real-life situations when handling substances.

The program is dedicated to: Young experimenters and researchers will be introduced to chemistry engagingly and playfully, showing them how quickly and efficiently they can become friends with this fascinating science.

Students will experiment with a chemistry teacher in each session and make their first chemical discoveries. Believe us, your children will quickly understand and love chemistry through these fun and creative lessons, which they will remember for a lifetime.

Participants will learn interesting facts about the substances around us, such as:

  • Familiarize themselves with laboratory glassware and equipment in an educational chemistry lab;
  • Discover which chemical reactions are accompanied by gas release, precipitate formation, colour change, odour appearance, and thermal effects using examples of household chemicals and food products;
  • Extract oxygen from hydrogen peroxide using various biological catalysts and test for its presence;
  • Prepare aqueous solutions with specified mass fractions of dissolved substances;
  • Investigate the physical properties of substances with different types of crystal lattices (e.g., sugar, table salt, graphite) and grow crystals;
  • Explore the properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds: alkalis, acids, salts, and oxides by solving experimental problems;
  • Investigate different reactions in solutions, learn about their types and interactions;
  • Understand the influence of various factors on the rate of chemical reactions.

Participants in the program will be fully supplied with all necessary reagents and laboratory glassware.




Cost of one lesson: UAH 100, Full course: UAH 800


Join us and allow your children to dive into the exciting world of chemistry, where they will gain valuable knowledge and practical skills in a fun and engaging environment!



Pupils, grades 7-11 of schools, or children corresponding to them by age - lyceum students, gymnasium students, cadets, etc.


The course consists of 8 classes, which will be held according to the schedule once a week.

Registration and details by phone:

+380 (97) 284 61 62

Cost of one lesson: UAH 100, Full course: UAH 800



Sumy, 116 Kharkivska Street, Central building, room C-226






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